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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I wish Watson would at once see Mr Nash, & secure enough of good Clapboards, & haul them into the Barn from the Mill after he gets through Haying. I want him to get John Thompson if he can; to take hold after Hayingoffwhile the weather is warm; & finish off the outside of the House good. I will see that the money is sent to pay for it. If he cannot get John Thompson; he must try to find some other good man; & have it done as the House will beasdoubly as warm through the Winter. If he can get Lime, & Sand; & have some of the rooms plastered, I would be glad before freezeing weather comes; but the covering of the House properly will do most towards making it comfortable. I am anxious to have the Cellar dug, & walled up; as that you will greatly need, & will try to send money sufficient to enable Watson to bring it about; if good advice be had; & good management be had in those matters; before it gets too late in the season.1
Since Watson wrote, I have felt a great deal troubled about your prospects of a cold house to winter in, and since I wrote last I have thought of a cheap ready way to help it much, at any rate. Take any common straight-edged boards, and run them from the ground up to the eaves, barn fashion, not driving the nails in so far but that they may easily be drawn, covering all but doors and windows as close as may be in that way, and breaking joints if need be. This can be done by any one, and in any weather not very severe, and the boards may afterwards be mostly saved for other uses.7
I did suppose full provision had been made (by way of Cattle to be sold for me in Connecticut) for those at North Elba; but it seems they had received nothing from that source when they applied to you for help. I still hope they are relieved from that quarter before now; & I would not have asked you to send assistance this way had I thought of your getting a call from them. . . .9In fact, the worried old man in Ohio had no intention of overlooking either his family in New York or Kansas, and had sent money to both. Whatever was ultimately done to the Brown farm house is not clear, but apparently the money that Mary sought and received was applied to some extent in securing an insulated home for the winter months. Writing to Mary on December 16, 1855, John Brown reported how his father's generosity had flowed both east and west, and the matter now seems to have been settled: "We have received Fifty Dollars from Father, & learn from him that he has sent you the same amount for which we ought to be grateful; as we are much relieved both as respects ourselves; & you. . . . Do write often & let me know all about how you get along through the Winter."10
Monday, December 21, 2009
We just returned from 2 weeks on the road. The first 2 days were in the eastern Adirondacks working in songwriting residencies in the towns of Keeseville and Westport organized by our wonderful friend Martha Swan, founder of the organization "John Brown Lives!". More on that later.
Tuesday December 1, after our morning classes, we drove to the Albany airport and flew to Baltimore where we rented a car and drove to Charles Town, WV. Wednesday morning December 2nd we participated in the re-enactment of John Brown's execution procession from the Jefferson County Courthouse where he was tried to the exact location of his hanging. The sponsors had commissioned the construction of a 3/4 scale replica of the gallows, and our re-enactment ceremony took place there. Many of you have already seen the photos and video from that day. For those who haven't, the link is: http://www.inthepanhandle.com/local/news/article/john_brown_hanging_re-enactment/
At the gallows, I was given the opportunity by the sponsoring organizations, the Jefferson County NAACP and Black Historical Society, to speak in the character of the Old Man saying a few words such as he might have said if he had been allowed to address his executioners and spectators, which opportunity he was categorically denied on December 2nd, 1859. My remarks as John Brown, drawn from his writings and transcribed remarks with my own embellishments, are recorded on that video. The first photo below is from that scene.

After it was over, I dropped character and mingled in the crowd where I met Dick Gregory who was effusive in his expressions of emotion for the day. Mr. Gregory spoke to the crowd back at the courthouse before our procession began, a brilliant and humorous, impromptu address. He told me he wanted a copy of my remarks at the gallows, so I sent them to him. Our friend Kerry Altenbernd, who lives and portrays John Brown in Lawrence, Kansas, snapped a few photos of us. (Kerry and Alice were also with us all in the Adirondacks the following weekend, staying right to the very end.)

That afternoon, we drove back to Baltimore, flew back to Albany, and drove back to Martha's house at Westport. Thursday we finished the songs we were co-writing with our students, and Friday we joined them in singing the new songs in a showcase performance with students from other schools who were creating poetry and theatre in residencies with two artist colleagues. Our students wrote 2 powerful songs. One was a reflection on the losses endured by her families, the Thompsons and the Browns, in the voice of John Brown's oldest daughter Ruth Brown Thompson, and the second a call to action against racism and present-day slavery making the connection to the legacy of John Brown. The songs have found their way into our repertoire. The showcase took place at the Stone Church in Elizabethtown, and was preceded with talks by present day abolitionist Kevin Bales, president of FreetheSlaves.net, and Maria Suarez, a wonderful woman who is a survivor of modern day human trafficking and slavery. Their talks, stirring and deeply affecting, set the stage for the rest of the powerful weekend, making the connection between the work of our historical remembrance and direct action today. Please visit http://www.freetheslaves.net/Page.aspx?pid=183 to find out what you can do.
Saturday afternoon we sang with Michelle at a graveside ceremony at John Brown Farm in North Elba. Later that evening we were honored by the organizing committee of the John Brown Coming Home events with the presentation of the John Brown Coming Home Humanitarian Award for our work as artist-scholars interpreting and presenting the story of the Browns in theater and music. It was an overwhelming experience.

On Sunday afternoon at the Stone Church we had the pleasure of adding our music to a "speak-choir" presentation of a piece that combined excerpts from Benét's "John Brown's Body" with other writings, directed by our friend Lindsay Pontius. That evening right after the performance the replica coffin was brought to the courthouse in Elizabethtown where it lay in state over night, as in 1859.
Monday Terry portrayed widow Mary Brown as the coffin was brought to the Brown farmhouse in North Elba and set up on a stand in the living room. She, Alice and Naj rode the last two miles to the farm in a genuine, early 19th century horse-drawn buggy, following another horse-drawn wagon carrying the replica coffin. The whole thing nearly went awry when the left side rein came unattached and the horse pulled the wagon off the road and into the ditch. With its right wheels in the ditch the wagon leaned at a dangerous angle and nearly tipped over. Luckily Brendan Mills, site manager at the Farm, was able to re-attach the rein and they were able to get righted again before anyone was hurt. Whew! That evening we performed our stage play "Sword of the Spirit" in the meeting room in the basement of the Brown's barn. The audience was intimate and appreciative, and Terry felt it was one of our best and most spirited performances, inspired as she was by working in that most honored venue.

Greg & Terry (Magpie)
"It is not the end of the fight": Brown's Great-Great-Great Granddaughter Closes the John Brown Year at Lake Placid, N.Y.
The reenactment of the burial of John Brown and the commingling of soil between John and Mary Brown's graves represent the culmination of 2009 – The Year of John Brown.
I have been both honored and proud to represent the Brown family as I have traveled to and spoken at many of the sites with John Brown historical significance: Red Bluff, Rohnerville and Saratoga, California; Hudson and Akron, Ohio; Charles Town and, of course, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia; and now, North Elba, New York.
Along the journey, I have had the opportunity to connect with many friends I have been corresponding with for years and have met many new friends. Like my ancestor, I do not see strangers, only friends I have not yet met.
The Year of John Brown has been an emotional year for me personally. I have experienced tears of joy and tears of sadness, moments of noise and longer moments of silence, examined the dark ugly side of humanity and celebrated the shining light of humanities greatest moments.
As I have traveled throughout this year, I have felt the presence of my great-great-great- grandfather, John Brown, close by my side - his hand on my shoulder when I needed comforting, his fingers brushing the tears gently from my cheeks when I wept, and laughing with me in my moments of joy, although I laugh much louder than he did.
Now we come to the end of The Year of John Brown – but it is not the end of the fight. John Brown gave the ultimate gift of his life to end slavery, but we are still surrounded by this most evil of institutions.
During my travels, I have often heard people say, "Slavery ended with the Emancipation Proclamation, or if it does exist, it is only in underdeveloped countries.
"But what can I do," you ask, "I am only one person. How much difference can I make?"
You must do everything you can to stop this evil:
Support the efforts of civil rights organizations such as C.O.R.E. (www.core-online.org) and the NAACP (www.naacp.org).
Thursday, December 17, 2009

After Harper’s Ferry
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
518-962-4758 518-582-3341 mswan@capital.net
518-523-2445, ext. 108 johnbrowncominghome@lakeplacid.com
Copeland and Green were executed by the state of Virginia 150 years ago on this date for their role in John Brown’s raid on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry. Copeland, who was born a free black, was a twenty-five year-old student at Oberlin College in Ohio when he decided to join Brown’s small band of men. In a letter to his family penned the morning he gave his life to free the slave, he regrets not his death so much as “such an unjust institution [as slavery] should exist as the one which demands my life.”
Instead, Green returned to the fray, was captured and, along with Copeland, was indicted, tried and convicted along with Brown for treason against the State of Virginia. Green and Copeland hanged from the gallows two weeks after Brown was executed on December 2, 1859.
Borrowing a chapter from their 19th century abolitionist forebears, the freedom education project John Brown Lives! and organizers of the recently completed John Brown Coming Home 150th Commemoration in Lake Placid, NY are issuing a call for 100 Anti-Slavery Conventions to be held throughout New York to combat global slavery and human trafficking that still exists in the 21st century.
More than 27 million people are held in slavery today, in nearly every country of the planet, including the United States. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, roughly 55,000 cases of slavery have been reported in the U.S. New York State numbers among the top 4 states where slavery is a reality today.Remembering John Copeland and Shields Green: A Note from Jean Libby
Dear friends, I am happy to forward the idea of many Antislavery Conventions for commemoration on this day by John Brown Lives!
Brenda Pitts and I have prepared biographies of John Copeland and Shields Green for the Jefferson County Black Heritage Committee who are holding a walk and vigil in Charles Town on December 16. Many local organizations are participating.
We are glad to share these with everyone for your commemorations.
Jean Libby, editor
Allies for Freedom
Comedian and Activist - Dick Gregory
National Congress of Black Women National Chair - Dr E. Faye Williams
Direct Descendant of John Brown - Alice Keesey Mecoy
Join us as we discuss the history of John Brown, the Harpers Ferry raid, the December 2, 1859 hanging, the 150th anniversary events in West Virginia and New York, as well as highlight the modern-day battles of abolitionists.
Network: Sirius XM Satellite Radio
Channels: Sirius Left 146 & XM America Left 167
Date: Thursday, December 17, 2009
Time: 6:15pm EST (5:15CST)
Length: 30-45 minutes
Type: Live by phone with callers
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Harper's Ferry Reunion: Veteran JB Scholar, Jean Libby (center), poses with Ian Barford, actor, filmmaker, and JB student (right) and your blogger on Oct. 17th